Pam wrote a comment and asked if I could post a picture of Smudge, since that's her cat's name too. Here he is, surveying his domain. Normally, his tail isn't that fluffy but I startled him. And this entry shows him as a kitten.
I've been working on a big project for a customer at work and it's also the end of the quarter, so that's where my attention has been lately. DBF and I had the opportunity to see Alison Krauss and Union Station Monday evening, and what a good show--excellent musicianship! And the new Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho is quite nice, even though it's currently in the middle of nowhere.
I've been using my new serger's cover stitch to hem up several Slinky skirts. I'm not totally happy with the results so far. The fabric isn't moving through as well as I expected, which is causing some skipping and wavering stitching, especially at the seams. Fortunately, the skirts I've worked on so far have been black prints, so these problems aren't really noticeable. But, but I'd like to get it right, you know? I'm wondering if the foot pressure is too heavy to accomodate the Slinky, so I'm going to try reducing it a bit to see if if helps. Any other suggestions?
Hi Nancy! I solved the slinky slink problem by using water soluble stabilizer strips on the top and bottom of the fabric. They are a bit of a pain to position but they do the trick. HTH!
That's an impressive cat! I love it that every cat has a different personality. Beautiful cat.
You could also use tissue paper to help stabilise your fabric.
OH man!! I love Alison Kraus! I had no idea she was coming....I bet the concert was wonderful. Your kitty is adorable!
I saw Alison Kraus here in Phoenix on Tuesday night. I love her and Union Station! They put on a great show but this was in a larger venue than I have seen her in before and I think the more intimate venue was much better.
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