You see, I gave him a Dale of Norway sweater this winter. It was a Lillehammer Olympics edition, which gives you some idea of how long it was sitting in my closet--so it was essentially a hand me down. It was given to me a long time ago, and while it was beautiful, it was a little warm for me to wear. It looked great on him, and in passing, I mentioned that it could be machine washed. Which is true, if you use the delicate cycle and cold water. Unfortunately, DBF didn't realize this and washed it in with everything else. He says it would now fit a 6 year old. End of story, right?
Nope, he replaced the sweater with a new one. This was an unnecessary act since my philosophy of gifts is that once given, they are the recipient's to handle as they see fit. In other words no replacement was necessary since the old sweater was his.
It was a nice gesture though, and I look forward to wearing come December or January when it's cold again.
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