Saturday, February 1, 2014

More TNT Kwik Sew 2565 Tees

January was a blur of a month, with lots to do at work following the holiday season. I have a new manager, and probably another one after the former manager's position is filled. In addition, two members of my team were transferred to another client. Eventually they'll be replaced, but for now it's busy.

Fortunately, we haven't had the terrible frigid and snowy weather that everyone back east is experiencing, but we really do need some snow or else it will be quite a drought in the summer.

While I haven't been posting, I've been doing some sewing and wardrobe building. I made three new versions of my old favorite Kwik Sew 2565, which you've all seen many times before. And I used some stash fabrics too! 

First up is a faux ikat poly knit from JoAnn's:

Next was this rayon devore from Casual Elegance:

And last, a lacy poly knit from Hancock's:

Each tee had its challenges. The faux ikat is a 4 way stretch, so I cut the neck band along the lengthwise grain for a more interesting look. As a result the band was not quite as stretchy and it buckles around that front curve. Not too noticeable when it's on, but you know how picky we sewists are!

The rayon devore is a beautiful fabric that pictures do not do justice. It has curvy areas of sheerness, color variations, print, and glitter! Again, band issues because the printed design sits on the surface of the fabric and so does the glitter, meaning the stretch is not consistent across the fabric. So, I had a real struggle getting that band installed. It looks fine but in restrospect, fold over elastic might have been a better choice.

The lace knit's challenge was layout, not sewing. It was difficult to line up the fabric and keep it aligned while placing and cutting the pattern pieces. But once cut out, it was super easy to sew.

The devore and lace knit are both pretty sheer but I decided not to line them. I have some thin knit camisoles that I'll wear beneath. I put a black cami under both in the photos and you can barely tell it's there.

I have two more projects cut out and ready to start--an easy one and a more precise one. The easy one is a knit nightgown basically two pieces. I also have a TSW Zen shirt from some very nice blue shirting that I had on hand.


ACorgiHouse said...

Love them, easy care, easy wear. Hope all the job changes settle down, so you can get more time to post! Love to see the new stuff :) K

RhondaBuss said...

Great tops. I almost bought the ikat knit from Joann's. Wish I had :)