Yesterday, I drove up to Ann Silva's and picked up the Evolve DVD I was owed. For some reason or the other, it wasn't in stock when I bought the serger. So now, I think I have everything I was supposed to have.
On the way back home, I stopped into JoAnn's and picked up some linen blends off the clearance table. My general rule of thumb is embroidered linen is ok, sequined is not. So that helped me narrow down my selections quite a bit.
The indigo with white embroidery features appliqued calico in some of the petals. It's also pretty on the back side. The cream with blue flowers is a border print, really gorgeous! The floral is a matte finish poly, not linen. I just fell in love with the print.
I also picked up a new Simplicity since they were on sale for $1.99. It's 3631, a wardrobe pattern with a bell-sleeved jacket, pencil skirt, pants, duster, and dress/jumper.

Then home to pack up a return to Smart Bargains and a goodie package for my sis, and off to UPS.
Then I made the mistake of buying Starbuck's for the office. After all they're taking care of deals for me while I'm out, right? Nothing wrong with bringing treats, the mistake was getting sucked in once I arrived. So I have another half day at the office--yes kids, that's 3 so far. I definitely will be adjusting the PTO schedule accordingly because I'm not donating them to the cause. I can use those half days some other time! Anyway, I told my boss that I'll be going to my retreat in Western New Mexico for the duration and will be back on Wednesday. He doesn't need to know that the "retreat" is my house located west of the office.
So much for my vacation plans. A lot of them have been absorbed by crap at the office. I'm considering a quick trip up to Santa Fe to make up for it. I think a visit to Ten Thousand Waves might be in order.
You're darn tootin' the office shouldn't get those half-days! I am at the max of accumulated vacation so I "lose" accrued days all the time and that royally ticks me off. (And I need a vacation to use some of it, don't ya think?)
That spa looks great. My brother and family live in Santa Fe and looking at the map (thinking I'd know where it was...ha) made me remember how I feel I'm going in one big circle all the time while there. Heck, once we couldn't find our car that we parked near the Plaza and walked around for 2 hours looking for it...not kidding! Interesting town, most definitely!
Nan ~ I love the fabrics that you got especially the blue and white linen and I love that Simplicity pattern. I hope the rest of your vacation is productive and restful!
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