Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Christmas Cactus

I enjoy Christmas cactus, but have not had a lot of luck getting mine to bloom after bringing them home. This spring I decided I would put them outside after the danger of frost had passed, just to provide a spot of green here and there.

Because they had been inside, I put them in a shady spot on the patio that still provides plenty of light. The spring was unusually cool this year, so one of the cacti has provided a surprise! It decided it was time for "Christmas in June" and is in the process of blooming.

These will be staying outside until late fall, so I hope I'll get another blooming for the Holidays. And perhaps the others will get blooms too!


RhondaBuss said...

Yours is an especially pretty one.

Patricia said...

I have never heard of Christmas cactus; it is very attractive. Maybe it would grow here in Australia with our hot summers.

Jane M said...

What an unexpected delight!