Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another Week...

Ahh, Saturday! A chance to relax and recuperate after another week of training and spreadsheets. I swear, I'm going to be the Queen of Excel before long!

Somehow I mostly missed the big Blogger outage/outrage of the week. Yay for going to an occasional meeting of actual human beings. My local ASG chapter met Thursday evening and it was great fun, especially due to a fabric estate sale that was held as a fundraiser. I was able to buy some beautiful patterns and fabrics at amazing prices while making a donation. Of course I'll blog about my goodies, but I haven't had much of a chance to unpack everything.

You probably noticed that I made some updates to SewWest's appearance at long last. I was having problems accessing the design functions of Blogger until DH loaded Chrome (and put Safari on my Mac's dock). Blogger played much more nicely with Chrome, another Google product, and cooperated in opening up all of its design options. And so, new colors!! I hope the yellow isn't too much, but it seemed appropriate for summer and went well with my banner photo.  I plan on changing things around seasonally, so there will be different colors and pictures later on.