Monday, August 23, 2010

Farewell, Ghost

Ghost, 1990-2010.

Ghost started feeling bad on Saturday. I was out most of the day but realized something was wrong when DH told me she had not moved from a favorite chair all afternoon.

She continued to decline yesterday, refusing water and food. We decided that I should take her to the vet today. Due to her age, we knew it was unlikely she would get better and did not want her to suffer needlessly.

Even though she was very weak, she crawled into bed with me last night. We were able to comfort each other.

I made an appointment for this morning at 10:30.

She died in my arms, at home, at 10 AM.

I'll miss her very much.

Goodbye my little sweetheart and friend. You were the best cat anyone could hope for, and you had a great run. Thank you for being a loyal companion for 18 years.


meredithp said...

Have tears reading your post. It's so hard losing a companion, particularly a long time one like that. So many wonderful memories you'll have to remember her by. She was a beautiful cat on the outside (and I'm sure she was on the inside too). And mercifully, she didn't linger and kept her dignity. A blessing for both of you. I have a very soft spot for all animals, especially cats, and extra-specially for gray ones. I'm so sorry.

Gorgeous Things said...

Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear about Ghost. What a sweet character she was, judging from the pictures. You two were lucky to have eachother for so long.

Mary Beth said...

Nancy, I am so sorry. It's just plain hard to lose a pet. I wish you solace. And easy resting for Ghost.

sdBev said...

I do feel for your loss. Our pets become closer than family or friends.

Melanie said...

I was really touched by your post. I had a cat who passed very similarly, and, although it has been a few years, we still think of him from time to time. Sorry to hear about your loss.

JudiB said...

I am so sorry for your loss..been there and it hurts so much. One memory at a time will flood into your heart. were lucky to have each other for all those years.

Judi B.

Shannon said...

The loss of a beloved pet/friend is such a difficult experience. You have my deepest sympathy.

Remnant said...

This is a lovely tribute to your beloved Ghost. You made me cry. I still mourn a beloved Cocker, Glory, almost 2 years after losing her. It's really something the way these furry ones find a home in our hearts.

Mary said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for taking the time to share your love and loss with us. Ghost was a beautiful cat and a dear friend to you, I can tell.

Debbie Cook said...

I'm so sorry Nancy. :-(

gwensews said...

I'm very sorry for the loss of your fur child. I know it is a difficult time. Blessings.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your loyal companion.

emelle said...

So you said, what a great run you had....couldn't ask for more. So sorry. ML

Eileen said...

So sorry for your loss.... I cried reading your email.

Reethi said...

I'm so sorry.

Lisa Laree said...

We lost a kitty in a very similar way many years ago. It was shocking how fast she went from apparently fine to gone.

Years later, after we moved house twice, I still had a moment when I thought I saw her out of the corner of my eye. And there's still cat hair on the sofa.

Sending you a hug tonight...

Kathy said...

I'm so so sorry to hear about Ghost.

I lost two of my cats last year. One also died in my arms overnight.

We sure love our furry kids, don't we?

*hugs* to you.

Gigi said...

Nancy, I am so sorry about Ghost. I know it's difficult. I had to put my Tigger down 2.5 years ago and still think about his little apple face every day.

Nancy K said...

It's difficult to lose a beloved pet. My sympathies are with you.

Duchesse said...

What a beautiful and dear cat. I am so sorry.

Claire S. said...

Writing through the tears and my fur babies just got extra hugs. They certainly worm their way into our hearts. So sorry to hear about your Ghost - your pics were a lovely tribute to a dear friend.

Kitty Couture said...

I'm so sorry, Nancy. *Hugs*

DDinDFW said...

So sorry about Ghost. Eighteen yers is a very good life for a cat - you did a great job giving Ghost a wonderful life. I hope that soon you will smile when you think of Ghost.

Little Hunting Creek said...

I'm so sorry! We just lost our dog Chelsea after 11 years, and it's hard. My thoughts are with you

Rosie said...

I am so sorry about your loss but you have fond memories of a loyal companion.

gMarie said...

Very sorry to read about your loss. they definately hold a very special place in our hearts. g

Hanande sazende said...

sewwest :(:(