Monday, February 2, 2009


This will be a really short update, since I got back last night and I'm at work today.

The trip was fun! I felt productive--I completed a Now Shirt except for the buttons and buttonholes and made quite a lot of progress on a Mimosa Top. Linda tweaked the Mimosa Pants pattern for me so that's almost ready to start on. Once again, I got to try on many of the sample garments so I have a pretty good idea of what fits.

I'll post more later but just wanted to let you know I was back. I was able to read all your comments on the Touch (Thank You!!), but posting to the blog was not as easy to accomplish.


Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

Glad you are home safe and sound - can't wait to see pics!

ACorgiHouse said...

Me too, I'm ready for class! K

a little sewing said...

oooh, tell all, please!