Smudge managed to slip the dressing off his tail sometime last night. It still looks bad, but better now that it's been cleaned up a bit. He's also handling his tail a bit more normally now, moving the tip around, etc., so it must be more comfortable. Most of the fur has been shaved off, so it looks a like a lion's tail with a tuft at the end.
After the first round of meds this morning (oral antibiotics, painkiller, antibiotic ointment for an unrelated eye problem), we headed back to the vet's office for a follow up exam and dressing change. The vet was pleased with how the tail looks and was even able to put in a couple of sutures to help hold the outer edges of the wound together. Tomorrow we go back again. Although there appears to be blood flow to the bone and muscle, he's still concerned about the skin. He'll probably debrede the margins tomorrow (yuck!).
For now, Smudge is sleeping in the corner of the living room, which is probably for the best. He's still having trouble navigating with the collar but seems a lot calmer than after yesterday's visit to VCA West Mesa.
I also did a little sewing today, completing another Simplicity 9505 View E. This one, and another one I'm making, have been problematic for no good reason. Because I sewed a front facing onto the back of the gown (on both gowns!), there are keyhole openings at both CF and CB. The front opening is functional but the back one isn't. This doesn't affect the wearability of either gown in the least, but it's irritating to make such a dopey mistake, not just once but twice, and on such easy projects! I'll post pictures when both of them are complete and write about what, if anything, I did to fix the gowns.
All the healing vibes I can muster are now being beamed to sweet little Smudge. The poor baby!
Aw, poor little smudge! Give him a few head skritches for me. :-(
It's good to hear he's feeling better! I love the little pouf at the end of his tail. You should talk him into keeping it.
That's great news that Smudge's tail seems to be recovering. Poor kitty. But a lucky one to have you taking care of him!
Poor guy! I'd hate to wear one of those things around my neck...
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