I completed another Loes Hinse Tango Skirt last weekend. This one was made from some rayon gauze that I got at Hancock's last fall. Not much to say on construction, since this pattern is a TNT that I've made several times. I followed Debbie Cook's advice re: the waistband and it's much more comfortable than the
last one. I'm even planning on going back and redoing the waist on that one as a result.

I wore it to work on Friday and one of my co-workers thought it was from Coldwater Creek.
On a tangent: Ghost "helped" me in the yard Monday, and kind of allowed me to snap a photo. Still recovering nicely, and the fur is rapidly filling in the shaved areas, although she still doesn't want to be photgraphed from that side.
1 comment:
The skirt is pretty and I can see the Coldwater Creek reference!
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