Ghost is an old lady at 18, which is equivalent to 88 in human years according to the chart at the vet's office. She is quite the princess (or should I say queen? empress?) in spite of her 6 pound weight. She developed a growth on her left shoulder so I took her to the vet's office. She had blood work done and was deemed healthy, and surgery was scheduled yesterday morning. The vet said the mass came out easily, but she did send it for pathology so we would know what we're dealing with. I'm hoping for the best.
The pink "jacket" she's wearing in the pictures is actually her post surgical dressing. Pink, although she's not really a girlie-girl. She doesn't like it much, but at least she doesn't have to wear a cone on her neck.
She was her usual vocal self when I picked her up, and she immediately went to the food dish upon arrival at home. A good sign, I think. Here's Ghost after her snack:
A little unsteady on her feet, and in no mood to pose:

Oh, what a cutie. I have a kitty who is 17. They sure keep you on your toes, don't they?
Thank you for the inspiring comment!! And I hope Ghost is doing well, sending lots of kitty love her way!
Warmest regards,
Kathy :-)
Hi! I saw your comment about Tony Bourdain over on Marji's blog and thought hey! a fellow Anthony Bourdain lover, I must say hello. Isn't he the sexiest?
Glad to know your cat is doing well. I am the owner of a 19-yr-old cat who shows no signs of leaving this earth anytime soon. Still bosses the dogs around.
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