I used Wash Away Wonder Tape* to hold the hems in place while double-needle stitching with wooly nylon in the bobbin. It worked great to hold everything in place. It also performed a slight stabilizing function. It can be sewn through, and it washes out, too! I'll definitely use this stuff again.
OK, I think I'm officially back on the horse with the successful completion of this project. I have my work cut out for me but I hope I can make a lot of progress in the next few weeks until April.
*ETA: The full name of this notion is Wash Away Wonder Tape. The manufacturer is WH Collins, Inc., which appears to be part of Dritz. I'm not sure where I got it. In addition to Joann's and Hancock's in Albuquerque, Ann Silva's Bernina is another store where I often buy sewing notions. HTH!
Your SWAP top looks really nice--I like the purple. I'll have to try the wonder tape. Is it available at Joann's or Hancocks? Or online?
I'm glad you like my T! It's a little less bright IRL, but it's a nice fabric. I wish Joann's would carry it again.
I'm not exactly sure where I got the Wonder Tape. The packaging says "Wash Away Wonder Tape" (I'ss edit my post for the full name)and the manufacturer is Collins, which appears to be a division of Dritz.
I *love* Wonder Tape!! I can't put in a zipper without it anymore ;)
My Hancock's carries it.
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