This is the view from the door. The machines rest on a former sofa table that I found at a consignment store. The lower shelf holds small drawer units that hold items like sewing gauges, cutting tools, marking tools, etc. Like items together and within easy reach of the machines, cutting table and ironing board. To the right of the machine table is my "Wall of Sterilite", consisting of portable drawers that I've acquired over the years.

If you look closely, you can see the Wall's other purpose, that of cat bed. Ghost is at one of her usual posts at the upper left under the color wheel.
I didn't make the quilt, I won it at a silent auction my ASG chapter had one year. The colors are true, but less vivid than in real life. I put "Daylight" compact fluorescents in the ceiling fixture, and boy, do they make a difference! I can really tell in these photos.

The dress form is an antique that came from my friend Karen, who gave it to me when she moved to Oregon. It's nice to have although somewhat worse for wear after all these years.
Next to the dress form is another monolith, this one made from pre-fab masonite shelving from the late home supply chain, Home Base.

The blue boxes contain my patterns. In their previous use, they were beer cases. Cheap and easily obtainable. I just covered them with contact paper to have them look a little nicer. The shelves also have a lot of sewing-related books and even more fabric! To the right of the bookcase is an old style metal waste basket that holds large rulers and rolls of Do-Sew. Above that is my collection of State Fair ribbons. Most are reds and whites, but there are a couple of blue ones in there. Through the door, you can see my full length mirror in the hall.
On the other side of the machine table is my ironing area. When I'm working at the machines, I adjust the board so it can be used sitting down. It rests behind the door when I'm not working on projects.
Behind the ironing board is one of those folding cutting tables from Joann's. This is an older one that I got at an ASG Silent Auction. When rolled out to the center of the floor and the leaves are extended, it gives a fairly large cutting area that's high enough to save my back. It also has a shelf underneath, which is full of Sterilite shoe boxes--I really should see about buying stock in the company. They contain buttons, beads, embellishments, etc. etc. Things we all need but don't have to access all the time.
The file cabinet is about half full with clippings on various sewing topics. This is another area that I need to make better use of. The side of the file cabinet makes a nice magnetic board though. I put pattern instructions on it when working on projects.
The cost of all this? I could estimate, but I'd probably die from shock. Keep in mind that it's been acquired over time, often with cast offs, silent auction wins, and consignment shop purchases. Like many sewers, I started with a small corner, one machine, and a couple of banker's boxes for storage. But having a sewing room is worth it to me.
Interesting fact (at least to me): I bought my house from my friend Brett and his partner Dennis, who had the house built. Brett used this very room as his art studio for the 10 years he lived here. I'd like to think there's some creative karma involved.
Nice space, and not messy at all!
Wow! What a great space for sewing. I especially like how you've organized with the shelving and sterlite totes. I see you have tons of post it notes marking articles in your Threads magazines also.
Thanks for sharing your room!
Nan ~ add me to the sterlite club! As I look at everyone's rooms I am amazed how many sets of plastic drawers there are in the rooms...guess those things work really well, huh! Thanks for sharing pics of your's nice to see where you create!
Wow! Great room! I too am on the Sterilite bandwagon. I love them! I would like to ask about your sewing table. As it was a sofa table in it's former life do you find it too narrow at times? It is a great idea. Also your shelvign is similar to what I have been trying to explain to my DH. Now I can show him. Thanks for the post!
Very impressive sewing room --obviously a well organized space. I hope to have this kind of room in my next abode.
I am so jealous of all these fabulous white spaces I see. Looks great and you are wonderfully organized.
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